Download your free CSRD preparation cheat sheet

The best time to start preparing for CSRD was a while back but the second best time is now!

Mandatory CSRD reporting will be introduced for large EU companies starting in 2025.  This means that all ESG-relevant data needs to be electronically published according to international standards with third party assurance to ensure accuracy and transparency.

Is your company ready for CSRD?

Do you need a simple and clear overview about the Corporate Sustainability Directive and what's it's all about? 

We've gone through all the details so you don't have to. In this cheat sheet you'll learn: 

  • The meaning of CSRD
  • Who is impacted by CSRD
  • What CSRD requirements need to be reported
  • How to start preparing for CSRD
  • CSRD timeline - when this all goes into action

Fill in the form to download your free CSRD PDF guide.